Please click the link below to view our academic handbook. The Handbook PDF is updated regularly so enrolled students should refer to this link frequently to make sure you have the latest version.
Students enrolled in the Graduate Program have access to the vast resources and communities of Williams College, and are encouraged to participate as they see fit. Below are introductions to select campus offices and resources.
The Office of the Dean of the College is responsible for the College's student handbook, the College’s undergraduate code of conduct, and accessibility. For accessibility accommodations on Williams' campus, please click here. Some College-wide funding opportunities are also available through the Dean’s Office, such as Fulbright and Luce grants. For a full list of resources provided by the Dean’s Office, click here.
The Office of Accessible Education offers support and guidance on accessibility at Williams. (For Clark accessibility queries, please contact Director of Human Resources, Terry Clewley.)
The Williams Writing Center provides programming that informs, enriches, and extends the experience of writing for Williams College students. Through oversight of the student Writing Workshop and consultations with faculty and departments, the Writing Center promotes writing as a purposeful and organic extension of intellectual life at the College. To make an appointment with the Director of the Writing Center, Julia Munemo, please email her at
The Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is responsible for Title IX reporting, non-discrimination training, bias reporting, and initiatives around diversity, equity, and inclusion in student, faculty, and staff life. This is the department to reach out to for any bias or discrimination incidents on or off campus, College students, faculty, or staff. The Office of DEI also offers opportunities like TIDE grants, which MA students have successfully applied for in the past. It is also responsible for Claiming Williams each spring, a day of events and dialogue around inclusion and exclusion in higher education. Graduate students are encouraged to propose an event for Claiming Williams each fall. For additional resources from the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, click here.
The Davis Center is part of the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and works to engage with complex issues of identity, history, and cultures as they affect intellectual, creative, and social life on campus. The center provides resources for anti-racist work on campus as well as support for LGBTQIA+ initiatives. It also provides support for students struggling with the inequalities exacerbated by COVID-19 and provides a robust series of programs to create dialogue around inequities and discrimination on and beyond campus. The Davis Center also tailors some of these events to the Graduate Program student community on an annual basis.
The ’68 Center for Career Exploration helps current students and alumni explore and identify career options. They have a dedicated Arts community, and their staff can help with writing cover letters, networking, and finding internship and job opportunities. The Center also offers many digital tools for networking and career exploration. EphLink connects current students and alumni with volunteer mentors in their field. The College’s Alumni Directory also provides search tools to identify alumni in specific fields or institutions. Finally, Handshake is a College-managed database of current internship and employment opportunities.